Monday, May 20, 2013

Generating Qi with movements and special static postures

In my last posts I detailed the basic principles of Qi generation with meditation.
This far not the only way to create this energy however the most simple and most understandable one.
Now I would like to tell some important points of Qi generation with movements and static "non-movement" excercises. Explaining and understanding the background mechanisms of these techniques is much more difficult and it requires more advanced  knowledge of this field so I just want to tell some thoughts about  it without explaining how and why they work.

Now it is clear that meditation is applicable to stimulate our brain and nervous system to generate Qi.
However if you see any general yoga, thai chi or Qi gong training your first impression will not be the huge amount of meditation but other training exercises with stretching, slow movements or harder workout.
So the movement exercises of most of these general training lessons are aimed to train and refresh the participants in pleasant spiritual environment.

What I what to present about static and moving exercises is different.

Some of them are planned to affect the energy body and the nervous system similarly  like a meditation exercise.

I will detail it in my next posts.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Qi generation, summary

Ones more I'd like to summarize the basic process of the whole concept of this blog.
So the process of how meditation can generate Qi energy and how it will work in the physical body:

Step 1 - Meditation

Step 2 - In meditaion your brain activity starts to decrease

Step 3 - This is a signal for the energy body to generate Qi

Step 4 - Qi begin to be generated and concentrated in the dan tiens

Step 5 - Qi spreads everywhere in the energy body with the meridian system

Step 6 - Using the nervous system as a "tunnel" Qi starts to affect the physical body

This is a model system to make you easily understand what I am writing about. In detail this is much more complicated but on this level of my presentation this is more than enough.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Important for materialist thinking

After learning a lot about mental, spiritual, meditation sciences and internal martial arts I can undoubtedly claim something:

There is a lot of good systems with a lot of knowledge behind them but there are problems with their presentation if we want to understand it in our western materialist life.
Most of the times their presentation isn't based on scientific evidences and observations and martial artists, Yogis, monks unable to explain scientifically  why their system works as I have already mentioned in my older posts. But this is the smaller problem because in my "every day life" I spent a lot of time with working on scientific research and in this sector it is absolutely usual when we know a phenomenon very well but so far the science was not able to explore why and how it works. This is usual in physical, chemical, pharmaceutical research and especially on biological and biotechnological territories.
As for the aspects of "Qi sciences" the problem is different.
It is OK that a Yogi , a monk, a healer etc can't explain how their energy work scientifically, but for several times the problem is HOW they present it.

Very often they are telling about energies, miracles, Qi, meditatios etc....with reasons and consequences which are only understandable in their thinking. For example:

"I am working with the universal energy I got it from my master and I use it to heal your body and soul."

This presentation is practically ridiculous for a materialistic person even if it is true.

In this blog I don't want to convince anybody about anything, but the time has come to present this knowledge in an other form which is understandable for spiritual people and also much more understandable for the people of science and materialist way of thinking.

The mention sentence sounds very different this way:

 "Our results shows that we found a new type of bioenergy generated in human body which has not been reported yet to our best knowledge and which can influence primary biological processes. "

The way of Qi from the energy body to a cell

The next point:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why do I write so much theory?

In the nearby future I am planning to post the three most important types of exercises of my methodology to generate Qi.
These are simple exercises but understanding their background is much more difficult.

As years passed I attended   many Yoga, Qigong, and other meditation and spiritual courses I read a lot of books I had discussions with  masters and instructors from the most various systems but there was always something what I missed:

 An explanation or at least an approaching description that shows why and how works what we are doing. 

It is OK we worked  with new energies but I needed to see something behind them to be able to make serious plans with the instructions and

to see the base of a serious meditation pathway and to see a pathway at all

Because in my opinion if we don’t understand  what we are doing and why and if can’t see forward with a system to know what we can at last approximately expect in years…..well this type of practice is OK for having a good time, but

 if you want to walk on a serious pathway to have a personal development to make your life better and easier and make your mentality more stronger

in this case we need much higher level of instructing.

In this blog I want to present many of my methods and knowledge to have a good  time for my readers and to make them understand what we are doing and why to be able to see a complete system.

A complete system which is applicable for planning a personal development and finding what you are looking for in this world.     

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Scientific approach

The question is simple, is it possible to detect Qi in our physical body?